
Bamenda University of Science and Technology – BUST




To co-create, develop and disseminate circular, soilless, water saving aquaponics technologies capable of enhancing food security and nutrition in Bamenda, in an environmentally friendly, socially acceptable and economically viable manner.

Why Bamenda University of Science and Technology?

Situated in the city of Bamenda in northwestern Cameroon, the Bamenda University of Science and Technology, commonly known as BUST, stands as a pioneering private university within the country. Within its premises, the Living Lab finds its home within the Department of Animal Science and the Department of Agronomy and Soil Sciences. BUST takes great pride in its exceptionally skilled and knowledgeable faculty members. In addition to constructing a Living Lab for the INCiTiS project, the region where this lab resides benefits from two distinct climates—a rainy season and a dry season—which provide ideal conditions for testing and gathering valuable data.

Technology deployed in LL


Target stakeholders

Farmers, members of cooperatives, and individuals interested in aquaponics, with an emphasis on youth and women.


To co-create, develop and disseminate circular, soilless, water-saving aquaponics technologies capable of enhancing food security and nutrition in Bamenda, in an environmentally friendly, socially acceptable and economically viable manner.

Latest News

12-31-2023 at Bamenda University of Science and Technology Living Lab

Celebrating a milestone at the Bamenda University of Science and Technology (BUST) Living Lab in Cameroon! The hydroponic system yielded its first bountiful harvest of lettuce, marking a significant step toward sustainable agriculture. Additionally, the lab initiated the transplanting of cucumber seedlings, a promising endeavor that highlights the commitment to exploring innovative farming techniques.

06-12-2023 at Bamenda University of Science and Technology Living Lab

Exciting updates from the Bamenda University of Science and Technology (BUST) LL site! The construction of the BUST Standard Training System is in full swing. Currently, the LL is testing the grow beds with water to ensure leak-free functionality. Additionally, the outdoor aquaponics setup, featuring a tarpaulin fish tank, is all set to supply nutrients to crops in the NFT (Nutrient Film Technique) system.

14-10-2023 at Bamenda University of Science and Technology Living Lab

The INCiTIS-FOOD Cameroon Living Lab is making significant development with the acquisition of essential items, including barrels and IBC tanks, which marks a pivotal step forward in bolstering their training infrastructure.
These new additions to the LLs resources have a specific focus – to elevate the standard of training within the Cameroon Living Lab. By equipping facilities with barrels and IBC tanks, the LL is laying the groundwork for a more comprehensive and hands-on training system. These tools will play a crucial role in educating and empowering individuals in the fields of aquaponics and sustainable agriculture.

06-07-2023 at Bamenda University of Science and Technology – BUST Living Lab

The initial harvest from Cameroon’s Living Lab has yielded a bountiful crop of Lactuca sativa, commonly known as Lettuce. This fresh produce is now ready for harvest, offering a nutritious addition to salads and adding essential vitamins to everyday meals. This accomplishment shows the potential of living labs in fostering agricultural innovation, promoting healthy diets, and contributing to community well-being.

08-08-2023 at Bamenda University of Science and Technology – BUST Living Lab

Within the context of Cameroon’s Living Lab, diligent efforts are being directed towards assessing the water flow efficiency of our advanced Nutrient Film Technology (NFT). This innovative system, marked by its distinctive design, is being carefully set up to ensure optimal performance. By examining water distribution and its effectiveness, we aim to showcase the potential of this technology in enhancing agricultural practices, maximizing resource utilization, and contributing to sustainable food production.

09-08-2023 at Bamenda University of Science and Technology – BUST Living Lab

At the BUST Living Lab, a significant milestone was reached as the Lettuce crop reached its peak readiness for consumption. Today marked a pivotal moment as a portion of the harvest was shared within our community, while another portion was utilized to craft a delightful and nutritious salad. The unanimous consensus was that the result was a delectable success, further emphasizing the nutritional value and flavor that this homegrown produce brings to the table.

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