
Successful Cowpea Harvest at Egerton Living Lab

At Egerton Living Lab, an onboarded farmer presents his second crop, cowpea. The same farmer already had one successful tomato harvest last year at this Living Lab. It is organically grown using fish waste and black soldier fly (BSF) frass, offering a healthy and sustainable option for consumers.

An important visit at the Université des Sciences et Techniques de Masuku Living Lab

Around sixty children from Padre Vico primary school visited the Université des Sciences et Techniques de Masuku Living Lab. The visit aimed to foster agricultural interest and technological innovation among Gabon’s youth while emphasising the significance of experiential learning and engagement. It is very important for the future of agriculture to nurture agricultural awareness from a young age. Indeed, starting agricultural education early lays a foundation for sustainable development, ensuring a prosperous future for Gabon’s agricultural landscape.

Harvest of Celery at Cameroon Living Lab

Cameroon Living Lab celebrates the successful harvest of Apium graveolens (Celery) from their hydroponic system. This vegetable is commonly used in salads, soups, and stews. This achievement highlights Living Lab’s commitment to innovative farming practices and addressing food security challenges.

Length-weight determination of fish in the aquaponics tank at Njala Univeristy

At one of our Living Labs,  length-weight determination of fish in the aquaponics tank is used for the estimation of either allometric or isometric growth and condition factors. Living lab practitioners are able to study the physiology, morphology, and life cycles of the fish giving them stable and reliable information for farming. Bi-weekly tracking has revealed a consistent weight gain indicating steady progress. The feeding protocol in the aquaponics system was optimized to correspond to 5% of the fish’s body weight. This approach reduces the need for daily weight measurements, offering a practical solution for monitoring progress. These findings not only provide essential information regarding fish growth, and serve as indicators of the system’s overall health and sustainability.

Practical Learning for Master’s Student at Kenyatta University

A master’s student from Kenyatta University is preparing to settle and feed the first colony of black soldier flies (BSF) obtained from the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology(ICIPE) in Kenya. The initiative marks an important step towards advancing sustainable waste management practices within the academic community. Ongoing data collection highlights the thorough examination of BSF cultivation dynamics and its relevance to waste reduction strategies. Such efforts present the commitment of students towards innovative solutions for environmental sustainability.

The University of Ibadan Living Lab organized an onboarding program

The University of Ibadan Living Lab organized an onboarding program aimed at familiarising the public with the INCiTiS-FOOD urban food production innovation and welcoming new participants.

The event featured informative presentations and hands-on experiences covering:

– A presentation about the INCiTiS-FOOD project and the onboarding process.

– Presentations on the topic of insect production, highlighting its significance in sustainable food systems.

– The hydroponic unit to observe the growth of vegetables and tomatoes planted during the General Assembly in February 2024.

– Presentations on aquaponic and hydroponic units, emphasizing their role in urban food production.

Overall, the event served as an informative and interactive platform, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange among participants and stakeholders.

New Participants Thrive in Living LabCo-Created Environment at Ghana’s Living Lab

The recently onboarded participants are getting familiarised with day-to-day operation of the Ghanaian Living Lab, actively engaging in co-creation sessions and design initiatives. Additionally, at the Living Lab in Ghana some fresh snapshots showcasing the iterative process that have been developing.

Aglobe Development Center Testing New Approaches

The Living Lab in Lagos, Nigeria has incorporated a new component to their radial flow and sand filter. After testing the approach in a 4-day trial, the upgrade surpassed the previous plan and showed to be a very promising alteration. The team at Agbloe Development Center will continue to monitor and test and share the progress with the remaining 7 INCiTiS-FOOD Living Labs.

Black Netting Cover Initiatives

New initiatives are introduced at our Living Labs! This time black netting covers have been implemented to effectively reduce light intensity within the tanks. The aim of this innovation is to:

– Create a more controlled environment

– Ensure the well-being of the living world

– Secure optimal growth

Exciting Developments at Njala University

Exciting developments are underway at Njala University in Sierra Leone as rice husk carbonisation takes centre stage, showcasing the institution’s commitment to sustainable practices. Meanwhile, a remarkable 30.2kg of fish has been harvested from the Living Lab, with detailed information carefully documented. Notably, Aquaculture and Fisheries Management students used 15.2kg of freshly harvested fish for their practical processing sessions. This demonstrates an approach to learning and skill development within the university’s dynamic educational system.

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