African Food Innovations:
INtegrated and Circular Technologies for Sustainable city region FOOD systems in Africa (INCiTiS-FOOD)
The INtegrated and Circular Technologies for Sustainable city region FOOD systems in Africa (INCiTiS-FOOD) project aims at revolutionizing African city region food systems by enhance food and nutrition security (FNS) across four vital dimensions – availability, access, utilization, and stability through solutions centered around soilless crop farming, recirculating aquaculture systems, and insect farming. These circular agri-food technologies have been considered suitable for the context of African cities because they do not require great access to land, water, or other resources allowing Africa to thrive.

Supporting innovative food systems and innovators:
Living Labs for Africa’s food systems
WHAT IS the INCiTiS-FOOD Knowledge Hub
Transforming Africa's Urban and Peri-urban Food Systems


Scalable & Circular Agri-Food & Business Solutions
25,000+ invididuals with improved food & nutrition service & food safety.

Innovation, Co-Creation, Piloting, Demonstration
Inclusion of all stakeholders, with focus on women & young adults.

City-Region Food Systems
Circular agri-food systems. Inclusive job & sustainable income creation.

Prof. Dr Gertrud Buchenrieder,
Universität der Bundeswehr München
A note from the coordinator
” Since current African food systems are failing to deliver desired outcomes and a quarter of those who inhabit African cities remain food insecure and malnourished, we need to redefine and modernize the production and food availability. There are different methods to prevent food instability: availability of nutritious and safe food through local production, food access and affordability, food utilization, reduction of food waste, and food stability at all times. The INCiTiS-FOOD project aims to combine all these pillars and with its circular agri-tech solutions in 8 Living Labs in Africa not only transform African city region food production but also empower communities. ”
Partners of INCiTiS-FOOD Project
The INCiTiS-FOOD Project combines 23 partners with multidisciplinary competencies and experiances from Europe and Africa in sectors of academia, industru, reserch, communication and other varios fileds.