D2.1 Online LL-communication tool and capacity building I – The online LL-communication tool is set up (DEC). Capacity building activities have started, incl. training of the trainers based on multi-lingual training materials (online) and offline practical training workshops using demonstrators (DEM). First iteration of deliverable.
D2.3 LL implementation planThis deliverable relates to T2.1 (Preparation of the 8 LLs to Undertake RIA) and T2.2 (Strategy Building Phase ).In T2.1, the LLs are endowed with a workshops, staffs, and basic infrastructures. For the research and innovation action related to the use cases, the LLs will be adequately equipped and prepared. They will be ‘powered up’ through scouting of active and committed participants, i.e., local innovation actors in collaboration with WP1.The strategy for the LLs will be enshrined in the LL Implementation Plan (IP) as a living document as part of T2.2. The IP gauging and correction will be done based on periodic virtual and in-person meetings of the INCiTiS-FOOD T2.2 partners. Based on the local resource and service streams (identified in collaboration with WP1), local innovators will develop, co-design, and co-create technologies and practices related to the use cases and guided by the LL staffs.
D1.2 (Peri-)urban food systems analysis in 8 INCiTiS-FOOD cities and towns.This deliverable refers to Task 1.1 in the project.The aim of T1.1 is to establish a common knowledge base for gendered circular (peri-)urban food systems using the Wageningen University & Research ‘Food Systems Approach’ (Section 1.2.2). It synthesizes information on food production, processing and consumption, local actors in the respective value chains and local resources available (see T1.3) for new innovative forms of soilless food and feed production (e.g., hydroponics, aquaculture, aquaponics, bioponics, insect farming) through surveying of African experts and community agents. According to local circumstances and market demand, the envisaged use cases could be combined with other enabling technologies, where there is experience with local African partners. T1.1identifies 3-10 urban food system challenges that will be addressed as use cases in the living labs (in WP2), as business models (in WP3), and in the ecosystem building in Task 1.2 (WP1).
D2.3 Online LL-communication tool and capacity building III, incl. 1st bach of practice abstractsReport summarizing all activities related to the “”Online LL-communication tool and capacity building”” and the achievements regarding capacity building. This deliverable includes a reference to the first batch of 3+ practice abstracts uploaded to EIP-AGRI.Second iteration of the deliverable
This deliverable refers to Task 5.1.The main reference for communication activities, including development and maintenance of a (mobile friendly) project website. Guidelines for partners to disseminate and exploit results are prepared. Also includes an action plan on the planned synergies with complementary initiatives.First iteration of the deliverable.
D1.1 Upgrade DIHs’ innovation services and onboard (peri-)urban food system actors IThis deliverable refers to T1.2 in WP1. The aim of T1.2 is to strengthen scientific, practical, and possibly financial support for (peri-)urban food system actors through linking them to existing digital innovation hubs (DIH, e.g., in Europe, in Africa) and data bases of circular approaches (e.g., LEAP4FNSSA, MUFPP, TECA). This provides them with digital decision support tools and risk analysis tools.T1.2 shall create awareness among different food systems stakeholders and stimulate engagement to create city region food systems that can feed everyone, everywhere, every day with nutritious food while providing economic benefits and protecting the environment.As current DIHs are not fully ready to realise the desired digital transformation, the Innovation Services Maturity Model will be used to monitor, assess and help the DIHs’ innovation services to reach their desired level.Based on a subcontract, the DIH will receive a module for INCiTiS-FOOD. The terms of reference ought to be outlined by M6.First iteration of deliverable.
D6.1 Project Management PlanThis deliverable is based on T6.1. In T6.1, an internal web-based project management platform is established that is accessible any time. A Project Management Plan (PMP) is developed to define internal communication, organisational, decision-making and quality management processes and guidelines. The PMP will be continuously updated if necessary. BayFOR will act as one-stop ‘help desk’ to all consortium partners and provide guidance for administrative matters, regardless of experience with EC framework programs. BayFOR will support WP leaders in managing the WP partners to ensure timely submission of deliverables. Regular project meetings will be organised and documented, including a monthly meeting of the Project Steering Committee (PSC) (web-based), a project kick-off meeting, and subsequent annual General Assemblies (GA, one virtual, one in person). Monthly project management updates will be circulated with the consortium. UniBw M (CO: Coordinator) will be responsible for the preparation, collection, and maintenance of contractual documents (e.g., Grant Agreement, Consortium Agreement) and will ensure that partners are aware of and have access to the project’s legal framework at any time. A session in the annual General Assembly meeting serves the presentation of financial and administrative details and setting up of common procedures.
D1.3 Comprehensive inventory of local resource streams and WEFE indicatorsThis deliverable relates to T1.4. T1.4 entails a systematic literature review on the WEFE nexus in African cities and towns. It identifies WEFE indicators suitable for the impact evaluation (WP4) of start-ups and SMEs that have (not) adopted agri-food innovations. The WEFE indicators are required to analyse how the developed agri-food technologies and services contribute to deliver co-benefits in terms of environmental sustainability (in WP2, WP4).
Data Management Plan
D6.2 Data Management PlanThis deliverable is based on T6.4.Knowledge management will ensure that all outcomes, e.g., innovations with regard to products and business models, upgrading TRL, BRL, SRL, new processes, and scientific outputs are fully captured. All new IPR generated during and by the project will be under the ownership of the partners involved and exclusively allocated to them where applicable. INCiTiS-FOOD will generate data through mixed methods surveys, expert interviews, use cases in LLs, technological prototypes, MVPs, in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Primary data produced will be managed such that sampling and data storing does not jeopardize the privacy terms. UniBw M will be responsible for the design and implementation of a Data Management Plan (DMP, D6.2) following the FAIR Guiding Principles. The DMP will be updated on a bi-annual basis. Non-confidential survey data will be licensed under the Open Database License (ODbL). During the lifetime of INCiTiS-FOOD, data will be stored on a secure multi-user online platform managed by FSH. Research outputs such as articles or book chapters and underpinning data will be made open access. Research outputs not open access will be deposited to an institutional repository and become open access 12 months after publication, either by direct link to e-prints or as a direct deposit to the European Open Science Infrastructure (openAIRE).