Community empowerment and capacities exploration
Community empowerment plays a critical role in democratizing access to circular food systems by guaranteeing that a range of perspectives – especially those of women and young people – are acknowledged and heard. INCiTiS-FOOD understands that it is imperative to involve various demographic groups due to their distinctive viewpoints, innovative ideas, and revolutionary methods.
On that note, one month ago INCiTiS-FOOD concluded a fruitful two-day feedback workshop, focusing on the Kenya-Egerton University on-site training. Held within the state-of-the-art INCiTiS-FOOD conference hall at Bamenda University of Science and Technology – BUST, this event served as a hub for shared knowledge and collaborative learning. The sessions were dedicated to brainstorming and devising innovative solutions for sustainable food systems and bolstering food security on the pillars of INCiTiS-FOOD solutions.
In a heartening development, the Aglobe Development Center (ADC) team associated with INCiTiS-FOOD extended the realm of urban agriculture education to students at Mercy Way Int’l Secondary School and Sunbeam Schools in Lagos, Nigeria. Armed with dismountable prototypes of recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) and aquaponics, the ADC team provided an engaging, hands-on learning experience. Students delved into the symbiotic relationship between fish and plants, unraveled the secrets of water chemistry, and explored nutrient cycles firsthand. Additionally, secondary school and practical year students took an interest in the University of Ibadan Living Lab (UI LL) circular food system.

Knowledge Hub
Missed the latest updates on INCiTiS-FOOD Knowledge Hub? Catch up now by exploring our one-stop digital space where you’ll find the latest insights into the dynamic world of INCiTiS-FOOD Living Labs. Whether you’re new to the project or want to stay in the loop, this platform is your gateway to understanding and embracing the transformative journey of INCiTiS-FOOD. Dive in and don’t miss a beat – visit the Knowledge Hub today!
INCiTiS-FOOD Taking Initiative at Events
In October, our coordinator Dr. Gertrud Buchenrieder from University of the Bundeswehr Munich and Ingo Bläser from Aquaponik Manufaktur GmbH presented INCiTiS-FOOD at the Long Night of Sciences in Nuremberg! The event joined fellow science enthusiasts as they ventured into the world of research and discovery.
The 22nd AFRACA -African Rural and Agricultural Credit Association General Assembly in Kinshasa, DRC, gathered financial institutions from across Africa to discuss localizing climate finance adaptation for the financial sector. During the plenary session, Mr. John Amimo, Head of Programmes at AFRACA introduced the groundbreaking INCiTiS-FOOD Project.
Youth 4 Development made a great impact in November at the Kenyatta International Convention Centre in Nairobi, showcasing INCiTiS-FOOD and our remarkable journey. The African Food Show 2023 gathers stakeholders interested in sustainable agriculture, innovation, and the future of food systems.
Bamenda University of Science and Technology (BUST) showcased INCiTiS-FOOD at The Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM) 19th Annual General Meeting in Yaoundé, Cameroon in the last week of October to first week of November.
One of the biggest conferences on R&I for achieving green and resilient food systems took place in December in Brussels, Belgium, where the INCiTiS-FOOD booth was presented by 4 partners! During the FOOD 2030 conference, the project was showcased as a key driver of AU-EU practices during a keynote presentation in the International Partnerships session by Dr. Irene Annor-Frempong, Director for Research and Innovation at The Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa.
In the same month, INCiTIS-FOOD participated in the public consultations by the University of Novi Sad’s Faculty of Agriculture, in line with the The World Bank’s Environmental and Social Standard on Stakeholder Engagement. The consultation delved into the PRO SUSTAIN project’s Environmental and Social Management Plan, which deals with innovative insect-based feed solutions, one of the key pillars of the INCiTiS-FOOD circular sustainable food approach.

Since July of 2023, INCiTiS-FOOD has been conducting Train-the-Trainers activities – 2-weeks in-person training workshops one in each of the three African regions. The goal was for the staff and Living Lab (LL) participants to act as trainers for the next generation of use case owners. In November 2023 the project successfully conducted its third and final Train-the-Trainers activity in Gabon at the Université des Sciences et Techniques de Masuku (USTM), focusing on diverse fish and vegetable management techniques. Participants were able to explore the Living Lab at USTM while gaining hands-on experience on related aquaponics and insect farming topics.
Well, that was quite an interesting summary of our most recent events! Follow our Newsroom to stay up to date. To conclude, we wish you happy holidays and a happy New Year!
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