Culture of Knowledge Creation and Sharing
Our project views knowledge production and sharing as the essential heart of our goal, not just as phases in a process. We understand that fostering a culture of ongoing education, creativity, and cooperation is essential to our success. All of our stakeholders – whether they are members of our devoted team, esteemed partners, or the communities we serve -contribute to the success of our project through their knowledge, experiences, and varied viewpoints.
With this in mind, we are happy to share that our seminar “How to perform data collection in an experimental setting” covered the planning of agronomical experiments, focusing on the significance of replicates and the principles of experimental design while also diving into the specifics of which data need to be gathered. Additionally, attendees had an opportunity to explore the practical implementation of a simplified hydroponic system to further guide them from the initial experimental design phase through data collection and analysis.
In addition, our webinar “Insect Farming – Perspectives from Africa and Europe” marked a successful event with key insights. Esteemed experts, including those from Nasekomo, Egerton University, and InsectiPro, showcased how Black Soldier Fly insect farming is transforming sustainable food production, contributing to a greener planet. These insects are central to circular systems, generating versatile products such as protein, oil, and fertilizers, thereby enhancing food sustainability.
With knowledge sharing as our emerging theme, we would like to share with you the INCiTiS-FOOD Knowledge Hub, a one-stop-shop digital space for knowledge diffusion and information dissemination capturing the development of INCiTiS-FOOD Living Labs. This public portal and forum hosts all the experiences and insights, sorted, adapted, and tailored. All the content available at the Knowledge Hub summarizes key INCiTiS-FOOD concepts and results in an easy-to-understand manner in order to effectively translate knowledge and increase the acceptability of new information.
Media Headlines and First Informative Video
Being present in media is crucial for our project as it boosts visibility, helping to engage experts and the public, influence sustainable food discussions, and foster collaboration. Media presence also builds trust, disseminates knowledge, and inspires positive action in the pursuit of sustainable food systems.
The University for Developmental Studies (UDS) Living Lab (LL) was on North Television GH, where esteemed speakers like the UDS Vice Chancellor, Prof. Seidu Al-hassan and Honorable Shani Alhassan Shaibu opened up the LL and explained how we plan to empower communities by opening up new opportunities for agri-food businesses along the supply and value chain. This was an important milestone in our project development as local communities had the opportunity to participate in the launch and get introduced to various opportunities within the LL.
Additionally, after the official opening of the LL UDS created an informative video on the different aquaponics systems present within the living lab premises, what is and can be grown and how the LL plans to grow in the near future. This video is also of great importance as it is the first INCiTiS-FOOD informative video created.
Partnerships for Expanded Impact
In the realm of agricultural innovation and sustainable development, building a network of like-minded projects is crucial for fostering holistic change. Projects such as SustainSahel, UPSCALE, PrAEctiCe, and FrontAg Nexus share a common vision with INCiTiS-FOOD of addressing critical issues like climate resilience, food security, and livelihood improvement and with that in mind have created partnerships. By connecting with these projects and sharing knowledge, INCiTiS-FOOD is able to create dynamic collaborations, working towards transformative change in agriculture that’s vital for the well-being of communities.

INCiTiS-FOOD Making Motion at Events
The 9th edition of the Science Summit during the 78th United Nations General Assembly in September was a very important event as University of the Bundeswehr Munich presented the project as part of the interactive session on European-funded R&I projects aimed at supporting SDGs and creating sustainable partnerships.
In September, our partner Youth 4 Development was at the Nairobi International Trade Fair. The event was a fantastic opportunity to connect with young minds and explore the theme: “Promoting climate-smart agriculture and trade for sustainable growth” – one of the main pillars of INCiTiS-FOOD.
South Westphalia University of Applied Sciences presented INCiTiS-FOOD in Dortmund, Germany during the Verti Farm 2023 trade fair. During the fair, our presentation stand drew the attention of many, allowing us to network with fellow innovators and present the incredible work we’re doing.
Synergy Days at Thessaloniki, Greece in October was an exciting event for INCiTiS-FOOD where our partner Foodscale Hub presented the project in a pitching session, organized a science communication workshop and networked with more than 20 different projects.

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