Njala University

Njala University, located in the Moyamba district of the southern province in Sierra Leone, is the top university in the country. Within the university, the Department of Aquaculture and Fisheries Management in the School of Natural Resources Management houses the Living Lab. Apart from constructing a secure lab for the INCiTiS project, the department possesses advanced facilities such as a modern RAS (Recirculating Aquaculture System), a fish feed mill, and sets of concrete tanks for fish breeding and production. With the support of the Multi Donor Trust Fund (MDTF), the department has established an integrated fish farm village that encompasses fish, vegetable, poultry, piggery, and insect production, serving both training and commercial purposes.

Role in the project:

Njala University is hosting a Living Lab with a key focus on providing comprehensive training to individuals interested in adopting the INCiTiS innovation. The lab’s primary objective is to contribute to positive impacts on food and nutrition security within the country. It also aims to demonstrate sustainable and cost-effective food production methods through circularity, even in limited spaces. Additionally, the lab will actively promote backyard farming practices in Sierra Leone. Moreover, Njala University will lead task T1.3, which involves identifying local materials and resources for food system innovations.
